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Children and Young People

At St Andrew’s the children and young people are an important part of our church family. We are constantly looking at how we can help support children, young people, and their families. If you would like to see how this is being shaped please do speak to someone on our leadership team under ‘who’s who’  

Breathe runs every Wednesday during term time from 7.30pm at The Bridge.The group is for young people seeking to know more of the Christian faith in a fun and creative way that is relevant to everyday life. 

It is aimed at young people aged 11- 18 years.

We believe that hospitality is key and always have food and fun.

For more information please contact the church office or pop in and see one of the leaders. 

Little Friends is held in The Bridge every Thursday during term time, 1.45-3pm.

It is a group for babies, preschool children, and their parents, guardians, and carers.

 Join us for free-play. We have a designated baby area, toys for 1-4 year olds, books, storytelling and a singing session to finish. Teas and coffees for the adults and healthy snack for the children.

We look forward to welcoming new people,  so why not pop along?